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Top 10 Mediums for Content: If you are a startup!

Now that we have the lay of the land for different types of content or the very reason we want to have content on our platform when we are a budding new startup, let us look at the other mediums you can get your knowledge and word out in public.

From blogs to videos, social media to podcasts, startups have an array of options to choose from when it comes to creating and sharing content. This blog will dive into each medium and explore its strengths, weaknesses, and best practices. Whether you're a startup looking to create compelling content or a curious reader interested in the world of startups, this blog is for you. So, let's explore the exciting world of startup content creation!

Blog Posts

Blog posts today remain the best way to convey knowledge and, by far, the widest reach. Despite the different mediums providing flashy content, Blogs are nowhere close to being out of trend. Carefully curated blogs with up-to-date information and knowledge serve as your website's first hook. A regular upload schedule with targeted keywords drives users to your website and showcases your startup and product in the best way possible.


Chances are most of your audience using phones to discover you, and with the fast pace lifestyle most of the tech world lives in, bold and nicely presented information is always sure to catch eyes. Curated information in the form of numbers and figures always catches the eye on social media and is sure to spark the curiosity of your viewers to check out your website and products.


With a somewhat constant stream of updates from your social media, how do you keep yourself from merging into the ocean of information available? Newsletters let you keep subscribers informed about new products, features, and updates related to your startup. This keeps them engaged and up-to-date on what's happening in your company. Newsletters allow you to build relationships with your subscribers by providing valuable content, such as how-to guides, industry insights, and exclusive offers.


Whitepapers can be a powerful form of content for technical startups because they provide an in-depth exploration of a particular topic related to your product or industry. By providing original research, data, and insights, whitepapers can help establish your startup as a thought leader in your industry by requiring users to provide their contact information in exchange for the whitepaper.


Testimonials can be a powerful form of content for your startup because they provide social proof of the value and effectiveness of your product or service. They can help build trust with potential customers, differentiate your brand from competitors, and demonstrate the real-world impact of your solution. Including testimonials on your website can also improve your search engine optimization (SEO). Testimonials can include relevant keywords and phrases that can help improve your website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Case Studies

Case studies can be a great form of technical content for your startup because they allow you to showcase the real-world benefits of your product or service to potential customers. A well-written case study can demonstrate how your solution has helped a particular customer overcome a specific challenge or achieve a desired outcome. Doubled down as extended testimonials, you can give a platform to your existing customers to influence those who come later.


Checklists can be valuable content for your startup because they provide a clear, actionable list of tasks or steps that users can follow to achieve a specific goal or outcome. Creating relevant checklists for your product or service can help users streamline their workflow, improve their productivity, and achieve their goals more efficiently.


Guides can be a valuable form of content for your startup because they provide in-depth, comprehensive information on a specific topic or problem. By creating relevant guides for your product or service, you can establish your brand as a thought leader, build trust with potential customers, and provide real value to your audience. By offering valuable guides that address common pain points or challenges faced by your target audience, you can attract leads who are interested in your product or service.


Memes can be fun and engaging content for your startup, especially if your target audience is younger or more social media-savvy. Memes are often humorous and relatable, and they can help humanize your brand and build a sense of community among your followers. Memes can be highly shareable and generate many likes, comments, and shares on social media.


Ebooks can be valuable content for your startup because they provide a comprehensive, in-depth exploration of a specific topic or problem. When creating an ebook, choose a topic relevant to your target audience and align it with your brand messaging. Consider your customers' questions and pain points and create an ebook that provides real value to them.


In conclusion, incorporating different forms of content into your marketing strategy can greatly benefit your technical startup. From case studies to memes, each medium offers a unique way to engage with your audience and generate leads. By experimenting with various forms of content and measuring their impact on your social media statistics, you can discover what works best for your brand and refine your approach over time.

Remember to stay consistent, provide value to your audience, and be creative in your content creation. With a well-rounded content strategy, your startup can stand out from the competition and achieve long-term success.

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