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Four Types of Content for your Startup

When you start writing content for your startup, you may be stuck in the very first step, which is the ideation of topics to write about. Howsoever strong your content or marketing team is, you will not be able to garner the best audience for your product or service if you don’t identify what content resonates best with your company.

In the following article, let us look at the different types of content you can put out on your website, some tips regarding each, how long such content should be, and how often such content should be published.

Company Updates

Company updates can range from a new update in the software to a new tech stack you guys are using or supporting. Any kind of collaboration with other companies, any considerable investment, and any vast magazine or journal talking about your startup can also be a part of such updates.

Writing about company updates and news is an excellent way to keep your audience informed and engaged with your startup. Here are some tips on creating engaging and informative content for your startup website:

  1. Identify your target audience: Determine who your target audience is and what they want to know about your startup. Are they interested in your products or services? Do they want to know about your company culture? Understanding your audience's interests will help you tailor your content to their needs.

  2. Use a conversational tone: Write in a conversational tone to make your content more engaging and relatable to your readers. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your readers may not understand.

  3. Keep it concise: Keep your content short and to the point. Use bullet points or subheadings to break up longer articles and make them easier to read.

  4. Highlight the most important news: Start with the most important news or updates and work down to the less important ones. This will keep your readers engaged and interested in your words.

  5. Include multimedia: Use images, videos, and infographics to make your content more visually appealing and engaging. This can help your readers understand your updates and news more quickly.

Writing about company updates and news is an excellent way to keep your audience engaged and informed about your startup. By following these tips, you can create engaging and informative content that will help your startup grow and succeed.

Content-Length: 750-1000 words (Blog), 60-70 words (Socials)

Frequency: Twice a month (can differ from enterprise to enterprise)

Knowledge Exchange

Knowledge exchange can range from technical articles or carousals about some niche technical aspects of the software or tech sphere your startup operates in. Mentioning and discussing unknown yet essential aspects of your technical pipeline instills confidence in your readers for your startup, which will only become more significant when these articles are written in collaboration with experts in the field, i.e., your technical team.

Writing technical articles is an excellent way to showcase your startup's expertise and thought leadership in your industry. Here are some tips on writing technical articles that generate more views and help your startup grow:

  1. Choose a compelling topic: Start by choosing a topic relevant to your audience and showcasing your startup's expertise. It should also be something that is simple and can be easily understood by your readers.

  2. Define your target audience: Identify your target audience and their interests. This will help you tailor your content to their needs and interests.

  3. Use a clear and concise writing style: Keep your writing style clear and concise. Use bullet points, headings, and subheadings to make your content easier to read.

  4. Provide value: Your technical articles should provide value to your readers. This can include tips, insights, or solutions to common problems in your industry.

  5. Collaborate with your technical team: Work closely with your technical team to ensure your articles are accurate and up-to-date. They can also provide insights and examples to make your content more engaging and informative.

Following these tips, you can write technical articles that generate more views and help your startup grow. Remember to focus on providing value to your readers and collaborating closely with your technical team to create content that showcases your startup's expertise and thought leadership.

Content-Length: 1200-1500 words (Blogs), 70-80 words (Socials)

Frequency: Four to Five times a month (can differ from enterprise to enterprise)

Client Impressions

Client Impressions are one of the most important types of content that should be readily available on your website because we as software developers need some concrete reason to pay for a service or product as engineers tend to find a solution for each problem on their own. (We are stubborn like that😁)

Testimonials from satisfied clients are a powerful tool for building trust and credibility for your startup. Here are some tips on properly presenting testimonials from your clients in blogs:

  1. Select the most relevant testimonials: Choose the most relevant testimonials to your blog post's topic. For example, if your blog post is about a specific product or service, choose testimonials that talk about the benefits of that product or service.

  2. Use real names and photos: Use your clients' real names and photos in your testimonials. This will make them more authentic and credible to your readers.

  3. Provide context: For each testimonial, such as the client's industry or the problem they were trying to solve. This will help readers understand the significance of the testimonial and how it applies to their situation.

  4. Highlight the key benefits: Highlight the key benefits or results that the client experienced from working with your startup. This can help readers understand the value that your startup provides.

  5. Incorporate multimedia: Use images, videos, or audio recordings of your clients sharing their testimonials to make your blog post more engaging and memorable.

  6. Use quotes or callouts: Use quotes or callouts to highlight key phrases or sentences in the testimonials. This can help break up the text and draw attention to the most critical parts of the testimonials.

  7. Include a call-to-action: Include a call-to-action at the end of your blog post, such as encouraging readers to contact you for more information or try your product or service.

By following these tips, you can adequately present testimonials from your clients in blogs that build trust and credibility for your startup. Remember to choose the most relevant testimonials, Provide context, highlight key benefits, and incorporate multimedia to make your blog post engaging and memorable.

Content-Length: 750-1000 words (Blogs), 70-80 words (Socials)

Frequency: Once a month (can differ from enterprise to enterprise)

Uproars in Sphere

The art of using recent uproars in the sphere to grab audiences' attention and driving them to your product is a rare one. The number of startups that were able to generate enough traction to improve their website's ranking using clickbait from the recent OpenAI’s barrage of announcements in the field of Large Language Models can justify our reason for suggesting you write about these.

It's essential to be cautious when using clickbait tactics to drive traffic to your website. While they may generate clicks in the short term, they can also damage your brand's reputation and credibility over time. However, there are some ways to write about updates and recent uproars in the tech sphere in an informative and engaging way to your readers. Here are some tips:

  1. Choose a relevant topic: Choose a topic relevant to your audience and your startup's area of expertise. This will help ensure that your readers are interested in the content and are more likely to engage with your brand.

  2. Use a compelling headline: It grabs the reader's attention and entices them to read the article. However, be sure that the headline accurately reflects the content of the article to avoid misleading your readers.

  3. Provide context: Provide some context for the update or uproar in the tech sphere, such as why it is significant and how it relates to your startup's industry or products.

  4. Use clear and concise language: Use clear and concise language to communicate the information to your readers. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that might be difficult for your readers to understand.

  5. Offer insights or analysis: Offer your insights or analysis on the update or uproar in the tech sphere. This can help differentiate your content from other articles on the same topic and provide value to your readers.

  6. Tie it back to your own products or services: Tie the update or uproar back to your own products or services, but do so subtly and informally. This can help promote your brand while providing valuable information to your readers.

By following these tips, you can write about updates and recent uproars in the tech sphere in an informative and engaging way to your readers. Remember to choose a relevant topic, use a compelling headline, provide context, use clear and concise language, offer insights or analysis, and tie it back to your products or services subtly and informally.

Content-Length: 750-1000 words (Blogs), 70-80 words (Socials)

Frequency: Twice or Thrice a month (can differ from enterprise to enterprise)


In conclusion, creating content is an effective way for technical startups to reach out to their target audience and build their brand identity. By creating informative and engaging content that aligns with their product or service, startups can establish themselves as thought leaders and build a community around their brand.

Many types of content can be leveraged to attract and retain users' attention, from blog posts and case studies to videos and infographics. By incorporating these various types of content into their overall marketing strategy, technical startups can increase their online visibility, build credibility, and drive more conversions and sales.

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